Buying a house can be a very stressful time in a person's life. Education is extremely important in this process. One of the most important decisions a home buyer must make is choosing the right neighborhood. As the expression goes "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION". You should find out if there are major infrastructure projects planned in the area which would explain if the area is growing or not. Talk to the neighbors, they could be your most valuable source of knowledge. Check out the community amenities around the area such as schools, stores, transportation, etc.
Also when buying know the market. What have similar properties sold for in the area? How long were they on the market? How does this house compare? How is resale for this property?
Home Inspectors are very important for buying a house. A qualified home inspector checks the house top to bottom to find major problems that are associated with it. Many people often fail to have a professional home inspection performed on the home they are purchasing even though it is probably the largest and most important investment they will ever make.